Eddy Current Suppression Ring
So Many Things
Goner Records
When it comes to sloppy playing, shitty production and GREAT songwriting Eddy Current is a genius. His latest release, So Many Things, delivers a host of amazing tunes clearly pumped out in a speedy fashion during the recording process. These tracks are as raw as they could possibly sound. However the writing is rather intricate with many parts and changes, giving each track depth and character. It sounds as though the band simply stepped up and recorded all the tracks live, something that’s evident when you hear the vocals and guitar solos which clearly did not get any overdub attention. Eddy Current wouldn’t have it any other way. And personally, I think it’s perfect.
Think of early versions of The Stooges, Kinks and The Reatards; this would paint a perfect picture of what you’re in for with So Many Things. The messy playing hits a peak when the band does a hilarious version of The Go-Go’s “We Got the Beat,” re-tooled with the words “They got the beat.” It couldn’t possibly be sloppier, which is what makes it hilarious and equally amazing. It’s a must listen, and all songs will rock you into next week. Therefore I will leave you to pick your own favourite.