JC Brooks & The Uptown Sound
Want More
Bloodshot Records
Few contemporary bands appeal to a musical genre that’s glory is long past lived. JC Brooks & The Uptown Sound are one of these few who diligently disregard the recipe of Pop culture success and instead travel down a path of passion at the lack of conformity to please a minority of dormant listeners. Motown is relived. You either walk down the Rock and Soul hall of fame to the audio soundtrack of Want More while identifying possible influential icons when you open up the book labelled, The History of the Motown Love Ballad, or renovate to make room for one more. Songs like “To Love Someone (That Don’t Love you)” follow the formula of lyrics that universally relate to every listener mixed with the very reactive ‘head bobbing’ to solidify a tune worth revisiting with a distinguished subjective purpose. JC Brooks & The Uptown Sound extend the life of Motown and life is exactly what this album is. The band emits a high energy pulse that is felt throughout every song – one that does not compliment static activities at all. We are reminded that humans are by nature musically sensitive. To resist physically participating in the beat is a difficult task.
The band by no means attempts to reinvent the wheel, but instead stays true to the recipe of Rock and Soul with lyrics that objectively appeal to any listener. Though, to state that there is no innovation here is false. The music is the similar but the era is not. Subsequently, music is less censored and artists have become more honest and open with their less socially accepted habits. Want More delivers more in terms of subject matter with the reoccurring theme particularly present in the song “I got high.”
Want More is destined to please a selective group of listeners. Their success is only limited by their ability to broadcast their sound and the ratio of recipients that are fluent in Rock and Soul music. Want More is a testament to a band that excels in their niche.